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Monday, September 5, 2011

How to Write a New Book for New Authors..Part 2

Now that we have established that we need to take new novel writing business seriously, let’s start talking about how to begin the process. The beginning of any novel is always the idea. Drrrr. You say. I know. It seems so obvious but it isn’t for many people. There is the trap of falling in love with just one idea. You will need more.
The book PRESS RELEASE works with many ideas. The first is obvious by the definition and the setting is in a public relations firm. But, it works on other levels, too. So, there was a lot of thought that went into the main idea. Sometimes, a writer will begin by thinking of the ending and then it is easier to get started at the beginning. If your book is going to be suspenseful, this is a great way to start. Get the trick and unexpected ending all worked out and then you can figure out how to lead up to it.

If you are writing a mystery thriller, for example, you will need plot twists and clues with foreshadowing. Figuring all this out in your head without knowing where you are going would be a very difficult task. It might be a great idea to know exactly how the book is going to turn out so you can start giving clues from the very beginning.

I have noticed most movies, and screenplays, do this very thing. Usually, there are very definite clues within the first five minutes of a movie that will give you great insight as to how the movie is going to go. Or, there are false clues which lead you to believe the movie going to go a certain way but then it switches at the end. Either way, it is a good way to write a book this way, too. Give the reader some clues at the very beginning and drive them into thinking what you want them, too. But, you can’t drive them to a destination if you don’t know where you’re going.

If you are having trouble trying to develop and ending, then think about your main idea and what would be a big surprise to the reader at the end. Better yet, if you can think of numerous surprises throughout your new book that would be even better. Readers want to be entertained. That’s why they are reading fiction. Although non-fiction can be entertaining too, there is often much less left up to the imagination. Try to think of your idea and what would be a jaw-dropper at the end. If you can do this, then it will be much easier to write the first chapter because you will know how to foreshadow the ending. It will be subtle and many readers won’t even notice you did it. But subconsciously, they will remember.

So, to get started writing your novel, figure out a surprise ending. It may seem donkey backwards, but it really works and it will be more fun to drive the reader instead of drag ‘em.

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